
Friday, September 21, 2012

Duct Tape for Diabetes

I was catching up on my blog reads and my heart melted when I read this story and one of the comments on it at A Thoughtful Place. I have family members with diabetes and I have had a classmate with juvenille diabetes when I was in Elementary school, but I never realised how hard it is to care for a child with diabetes. I wouldn't have understood it as much before I had my baby, but now when I come across children with health problems I thank god many times for giving us a healthy child. Many of us new moms think taking care of a newborn/toddler is so hard (all those nighttime feedings, sleep cycles, toddler tantrums etc. that we complain about), though it is fun, but don't realise how lucky we are to have a healthy child. I bow in honor to the parents that do so much to provide a normal life for their children with extra needs. I was speechless when I read that Jack's friends, who are about his age, wanted to help and started Duct Tape for Diabetes to help find a cure for juvenile diabetes. They are selling little things like flowers, bracelets and coasters made out of duct tape and 100% of all proceeds will be donated to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. All products are made by these kids. I don't know how many people read my blog, but if even one person reads this and makes a donation, its worthwhile. If kids can do so much for such good cause, we can atleast spend a little money to make a difference right? Love you Sam, Chase and Grant, God Bless You and your friend.

You can read the full story at A Thoughtful Place.

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